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Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 4:46 pm
by angrychicken
I think so.

Re: Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 4:49 pm
by TobaccoRoadEagle
the players seem to like him :shrug

Re: Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 4:59 pm
by angrychicken
TobaccoRoadEagle {l Wrote}:the players seem to like him :shrug

Doesn't change the fact that he stinks. You like eating poop. Doesn't make it right.

Re: Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 4:59 pm
by dtwalrus
1) Motivating Players - say what you want, you haven't seen much quit out of the players regardless of how bad the season gets.
2) Managing the Defensive Coaches/Scheme/Approach - or frankly just hiring decent assistants
3) Media Presence (when things are going well...) - ESPN Carwash, Coaches' Film Room at the National Championship game a few years back.
4) Recruiting (when things are going well...) - he has brought in some good recruits and transfers, particularly after the two 7-win seasons.

1) Game Management - Bonehead decision after bonehead decision. Has found a way to make having 3 timeouts a liability.
2) Managing the Offensive Coaches/Scheme/Approach - Eating clock and getting to the 4th worked a few times (i.e. USC) but is generally a bad scheme. 4 OC's in 4 years. Zero adaptability.
2) Personnel Decisions and Depth Chart Management - Mind-boggling decisions on starters and playing time (i.e. Louie, Towles, Hilliman in '16, Lichtenberg).
3) Sideline Presence - He's an embarrassing clown when he doesn't get his way. How many personal fouls has he gotten on the sidelines?
4) Media Presence (when things are going badly...) - Coach ThinSkin
5) Recruiting (when things are going badly...) - Abandon ship!

So yeah, on the whole he's bad. I do feel like all of '15 and the blowout games in '16 have really accentuated the negatives and probably skew things a bit. If 6-8 wins becomes the norm and he's less edgy and defensive all the time and has a program that's decent enough to sell to the media and recruits he probably becomes more of a mediocre coach than a terrible coach.

Nobody, anywhere, based on his now 6 years of head coaching experience can claim he is even remotely a good overall coach.

Re: Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 5:29 pm
by TobaccoRoadEagle
dtwalrus {l Wrote}:Strengths:
1) Motivating Players - say what you want, you haven't seen much quit out of the players regardless of how bad the season gets.

you didn't watch much of the vpi game, did you? or clemson? or even syracuse? there was a period in the middle of this season that it appeared that the players were just going through the motions, and not even that motionie.

dtwalrus {l Wrote}:3) Media Presence (when things are going well...) - ESPN Carwash, Coaches' Film Room at the National Championship game a few years back.

go back and watch that shit again now and you will see how cringe worthy it was. you didn't notice at the time because you were still letting him poop diarrhea into your mouth, but the benefit of hindsight will allow you to see how insincere it was and how truly moronic and stupid he comes off

i don't feel like addressing the rest of your post at this time because ts slaughter depresses me

Re: Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 5:47 pm
by DavidGordonsFoot
He's terrible. It's Year 4 and his supposed strengths (recruiting, power running game) have not translated on the field.

As if that weren't bad enough, he is incredibly shortsighted. If he could remove his head from his ass, he would see that the offense has demonstrated that it is competent running the read option and play-action, but he is so stubborn that he keeps going back to the dive again and again.

Re: Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 6:27 pm
by twballgame9
He blows. Even sucking and giving away games, however, he can win 7-8 regularly. Not good enough in my book, but TOB lasted a while being pathetically mediocre with a shit sandwich of a schedule.

Re: Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 6:40 pm
by DomingoOrtiz
jhiggi02 {l Wrote}:He is awful and yet he is a 5-8 win guy here depending on the schedule. Shows you how big the divide in the ACC is between the basement and the good teams, there really isn't much of a middle right now (maybe Ga Tech and N. Carolina?)

How many games did he win last season?

Re: Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 6:43 pm
by Corporal Funishment
Addazio approaches the game of football with an outdated and erroneous conception of how to win games (time of possession! offense an extension of defense!). Partially due to operating off of this bad premise and partially because he is very bad at thinking on his feet, he compounds this "macro problem" with repeated boneheaded "micro problems" - mismanaging the clock, wanting his defense on the field to win the game.

Everything else: personality, recruiting, micromanaging, you name it, is only tangentially relevant. You can be a stubborn jerk and win, you can recruit mediocre players and win, you can disenfranchise your coordinators and win. The problem is fundamental misunderstanding of the factors which lead to winning and losing.

Possibly he would be good as an assistant coach in a player development/recruiting role where he was given zero input on formulating game strategy.

There's your tombstone on the Addazio era: whether it lasts one more year or ten.

Re: Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 6:52 pm
by JesuitIvy
self-doubt creeps in tho. We're 6-6, won two ACC road games and are going to a bowl against (probably) a decent name opponent. Spaz was awful - we can all agree on that - so maybe Daz isn't so bad given what he had to deal with (empty cupboard comment here)? That doesn't change the fact his ceiling is probably always 7-6, 8-5 with some luck, and his QB selection and timeout management is terrible.
Am I just living in a new world of lowered expectations. 'As long as he doesn't start a nuclear war, I'll be okay with it,' sort of thing?

Re: Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 7:30 pm
by hansen
He's not good and his tragic flaw is he is too stubborn to adopt his coaching scheme/strategy to the players we have.
With this offensive line, cracking the rock up the middle of the field with a big back like Hilliman against 8-10 guys in the box was not the way to go.
The sideline antics don't bother me as all coaches do them (Harbaugh got fined 15 yards in the big game for his).

Bottom line is that we could have won 8 games this year, most likely should have won 7, and yet we won 6.
If Dazaster were to hire a competent OC and and be less stubborn, then we would be fine.

Re: Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 8:10 pm
by eepstein0
He blows, but he's better than some of you would make him out to be.

Re: Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 9:56 pm
by Brooklyneagle
He's terrible. Bad oline after four years. Really bad. Still doesn't have anyone better than awful Towles to play QB. Our offense is bottom of the barrel in Div I again this year. NCState and Wake almost gave us those two games. He gave away the GTECH game. Syracuse passed us silly. Four of the worst blowouts in BC history. And, recruiting is dismal. What would we be saying if we were 0-8 again in the ACC this year -- which we easily could be?

We beat Wake but the offense looked retarded for most of the game.

USC, 2014: the Trojans didn't get off the plane; it was chilly and wet; they thought the game was over by the second quarter -- as it had been the year before; their coach didn't stop trying to run the ball until too late; and we had Murphy. Almost any team can be beaten if it does not take the opponent seriously from the get go.

Re: Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 10:03 pm
by eepstein0
Brooklyneagle {l Wrote}:He's terrible. Bad oline after four years. Really bad. Still doesn't have anyone better than awful Towles to play QB. Our offense is bottom of the barrel in Div I again this year. NCState and Wake almost gave us those two games. He gave away the GTECH game. Syracuse passed us silly. Four of the worst blowouts in BC history. And, recruiting is dismal. What would we be saying if we were 0-8 again in the ACC this year -- which we easily could be?

We beat Wake but the offense looked retarded for most of the game.

USC, 2014: the Trojans didn't get off the plane; it was chilly and wet; they thought the game was over by the second quarter -- as it had been the year before; their coach didn't stop trying to run the ball until too late; and we had Murphy. Almost any team can be beaten if it does not take the opponent seriously from the get go.

Let's not go full retard here.

Re: Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 10:51 pm
by Iggle
Here's stupidly obvious: The 4 blowouts this season were all some of the worst losses in BC history. Even in a 3-9 season the worst loss was a 17 point loss to Clemson who went to the National Championship game. Addazio left enough wins on the table in the first two years that you knew he wasn't a great coach. 3-9 showed me that he wasn't good enough to prevent the floor from falling out. Despite winning 6 games this year he showed me that he can't prevent BC from repeatedly getting embarrassed. Every year he has proven me wrong about some aspect of his coaching that I thought would be decent enough -

"oh, he's a bad in game coach and we'll never get to championship level, but when the talent gets better he can fluke 9/10 games and won't lose more than 6." "Well, at least he put together a solid offensive line really quickly"
"Hey, even when we're a team that loses 9 games in a season we don't get blown out and we play everybody tough"

so yeah, I think he's a bad coach.

That said, he could be Bob Diaco.

Re: Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 11:36 pm
eepstein0 {l Wrote}:
Brooklyneagle {l Wrote}:He's terrible. Bad oline after four years. Really bad. Still doesn't have anyone better than awful Towles to play QB. Our offense is bottom of the barrel in Div I again this year. NCState and Wake almost gave us those two games. He gave away the GTECH game. Syracuse passed us silly. Four of the worst blowouts in BC history. And, recruiting is dismal. What would we be saying if we were 0-8 again in the ACC this year -- which we easily could be?

We beat Wake but the offense looked retarded for most of the game.

USC, 2014: the Trojans didn't get off the plane; it was chilly and wet; they thought the game was over by the second quarter -- as it had been the year before; their coach didn't stop trying to run the ball until too late; and we had Murphy. Almost any team can be beaten if it does not take the opponent seriously from the get go.

Let's not go full retard here.

I agree, step off the ledge. Addazio is mainly stubborn as hell and will never stray from his conservative run first strategy. With that being said, he was dealt about the worst hand you could be dealt with regards to the offensive line when he took over for Spaz (who couldn't have left him in a worse spot from pure numbers than he did), the most important piece to his system. The line grew from last year to this year (its still not where they need it), but he showed in years 1 and 2 that he can take mature guys and run the ball. Having Loeffler around for another year will help as his offensives at VT all took steps forward YoY.

The recruiting has taken a slight dip from year 1, but you cant honestly sit here and say that BC's talent level is that far behind anyone else in the league (excluding the top level). Losing Paye wasnt ideal this cycle, but it sounds like they are in position with a few guys to finish strong going into NSD now that the season is over so let it play out.

Bottom line is, were stuck with him for another year, but you cant say that the program is in a worse spot than when he took over. Its up to the administration to get the next hire right and take it to the next level. Hopefully by that time we have a competent AD and a president/BOT that can run the athletic department like adults.

Re: Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 11:50 pm
by durkcal
dtwalrus {l Wrote}:Strengths:
1) Motivating Players - say what you want, you haven't seen much quit out of the players regardless of how bad the season gets.
2) Managing the Defensive Coaches/Scheme/Approach - or frankly just hiring decent assistants
3) Media Presence (when things are going well...) - ESPN Carwash, Coaches' Film Room at the National Championship game a few years back.
4) Recruiting (when things are going well...) - he has brought in some good recruits and transfers, particularly after the two 7-win seasons.

1) Game Management - Bonehead decision after bonehead decision. Has found a way to make having 3 timeouts a liability.
2) Managing the Offensive Coaches/Scheme/Approach - Eating clock and getting to the 4th worked a few times (i.e. USC) but is generally a bad scheme. 4 OC's in 4 years. Zero adaptability.
2) Personnel Decisions and Depth Chart Management - Mind-boggling decisions on starters and playing time (i.e. Louie, Towles, Hilliman in '16, Lichtenberg).
3) Sideline Presence - He's an embarrassing clown when he doesn't get his way. How many personal fouls has he gotten on the sidelines?
4) Media Presence (when things are going badly...) - Coach ThinSkin
5) Recruiting (when things are going badly...) - Abandon ship!

So yeah, on the whole he's bad. I do feel like all of '15 and the blowout games in '16 have really accentuated the negatives and probably skew things a bit. If 6-8 wins becomes the norm and he's less edgy and defensive all the time and has a program that's decent enough to sell to the media and recruits he probably becomes more of a mediocre coach than a terrible coach.

Nobody, anywhere, based on his now 6 years of head coaching experience can claim he is even remotely a good overall coach.

This is Good.

Under strengths I would take out #2 and instead put "Hired Don Brown". It is clear the defensive secondary has slipped badly this year. The defense actually looked terrible in 5 of our 8 games against conference teams. A good head coach would jump in and dissect/address the issue. Instead, Daz said a bunch of moronic things in pressers about the defense and we kept being confused and at least a second late in coverage against up tempo teams.

Under Weaknesses I would add :

"Disenfranchises the fan base". All the lack of scoring, accountability, and attention to obvious areas of weakness (FG kicking, QB in 15/16) have decimated excitement generated during the 2013/14 seasons. That has to be part of the job description of a head coach.


(probably at #1) "Stubborn - mostly in a bad way" this applies to everything he does. It seems like once Ryan Day left, we relied on doing the same thing on offense every Sat no matter what had happened the previous Sat. Once Don Brown left, we've started the same approach with defense. I make more adjustments week to week with the way I coach youth rec sports!

Re: Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 11:58 pm
by miutbc
How is this even a question. He's god awful. Squeaking out wins against sh1t teams and being completely non competitive against semi-decent is a effing joke. This wouldn't even being debated at any other p5 school

Re: Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 1:02 am
by twballgame9
DomingoOrtiz {l Wrote}:
jhiggi02 {l Wrote}:He is awful and yet he is a 5-8 win guy here depending on the schedule. Shows you how big the divide in the ACC is between the basement and the good teams, there really isn't much of a middle right now (maybe Ga Tech and N. Carolina?)

How many games did he win last season?

How many did he win the two seasons before, third quarter arrival?

Re: Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 1:04 am
by twballgame9
eepstein0 {l Wrote}:
Brooklyneagle {l Wrote}:He's terrible. Bad oline after four years. Really bad. Still doesn't have anyone better than awful Towles to play QB. Our offense is bottom of the barrel in Div I again this year. NCState and Wake almost gave us those two games. He gave away the GTECH game. Syracuse passed us silly. Four of the worst blowouts in BC history. And, recruiting is dismal. What would we be saying if we were 0-8 again in the ACC this year -- which we easily could be?

We beat Wake but the offense looked retarded for most of the game.

USC, 2014: the Trojans didn't get off the plane; it was chilly and wet; they thought the game was over by the second quarter -- as it had been the year before; their coach didn't stop trying to run the ball until too late; and we had Murphy. Almost any team can be beaten if it does not take the opponent seriously from the get go.

Let's not go full retard here.

Too fucking late, holy shit

Re: Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 7:34 am
by eagletx
He suffers from the same faults that got a guy like Les Miles fired at LSU. His offensive philosophy is outdated, and won't and can't succeed without a first rate OL and better than average RBs. That leads to his ability to recruit the proper horses and then coach them up to succeed. Four years in, and the OL is still a glaring weakness, and he tried to plug the leaks with a fifth year (Lowry) who was the worst of the bunch.
Beyond that, there is troubling evidence that his evaluation of individuals talent is suspect. See Lowry and, yes, Towles. There are other potential examples in the receiving corps as well.
That brings us to his in game mismanagement, and you have a poor situation made worse.
He was right about one thing. The opponents are improving. BC is losing the way they are because this program is falling future behind.

Think about the fact that the defense the last two years has been much better than average. Particularly, last year, it's quite a feat to have the no. 1 ranked defense and end up will the record they did.

No, only given the administration's acceptance of athletic mediocrity, this guy would not survive in a university that really held their performance in high esteem.

Re: Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 8:35 am
by claver2010
his game management is atrocious but more concerning is the lack of development along the OL.

lowery is a complete matador, amazing someone who had started 30 some odd games before this year and earned all conference could be that bad.
monteiro now has 17 starts under his belt and isn't much better. maybe he takes a quantum leap this offseason.
baker's fine / good but he's been on the field for 3 seasons and starting for 2

they obviously would be helped by an offensive philosophy that was developed after 1960

Re: Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 9:41 am
by Supahfan99
Back in the days of TOB there was a wise man named CaptainCoop, he may have promoted himself to CommodoreCoop at one point, IDK.

In his desire to get TOB to "pack yer bags" he laid things out nicely in terms of TOB vs elite teams, TOB vs cupcakes, and most importantly TOB vs peer institutions. At the time, it was fairly easy to figure out who was a peer program. It may be a bit harder now but I would find it interesting to see what the records were in similar fashion for coaches TOB to current.

ps - Daz sucks. Happy for the players but annoyed the players like him if that is true. Remember Spaz was also loved and look where that got us (thanks Herzylax).

Re: Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 9:57 am
by ILikeBC
Game management this year sucked and wasn't even close to how bad it was last year, which says a lot.

Re: Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 10:22 am
by claver2010
Supahfan99 {l Wrote}:Back in the days of TOB there was a wise man named CaptainCoop, he may have promoted himself to CommodoreCoop at one point, IDK.

In his desire to get TOB to "pack yer bags" he laid things out nicely in terms of TOB vs elite teams, TOB vs cupcakes, and most importantly TOB vs peer institutions. At the time, it was fairly easy to figure out who was a peer program. It may be a bit harder now but I would find it interesting to see what the records were in similar fashion for coaches TOB to current.

ps - Daz sucks. Happy for the players but annoyed the players like him if that is true. Remember Spaz was also loved and look where that got us (thanks Herzylax).

Cupcakes: 12-0
Peers: 8-12
baby rapists: 3-15

if we assume the below (certainly open to changes)

Arizona Peer
Army Cupcake
Buffalo Cupcake
Clemson baby rapists
Colorado State Peer
Duke Peer
FSU baby rapists
Georgia Tech Peer
Howard Cupcake
Louisville baby rapists
Maine Cupcake
Maryland Peer
NC State Peer
New Mexico State Cupcake
Northern Illinois Cupcake
Notre Dame baby rapists
Penn State Peer
Pitt Peer
Syracuse Peer
UConn Cupcake
UMass Cupcake
UNC Peer
USC baby rapists
Villanova Cupcake
Virginia Tech baby rapists
Wagner Cupcake
Wake Forest Peer

*edited to make Colorado state a peer

last time bc hit >21 against a peer school: ped state pinstripe bowl

Re: Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 10:37 am
by twballgame9
claver2010 {l Wrote}:lowery is a complete matador, amazing someone who had started 30 some odd games before this year and earned all conference could be that bad.

Slight difference in the level of talent at the DE position in this league.

Re: Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 10:43 am
by twballgame9
claver2010 {l Wrote}:
Supahfan99 {l Wrote}:Back in the days of TOB there was a wise man named CaptainCoop, he may have promoted himself to CommodoreCoop at one point, IDK.

In his desire to get TOB to "pack yer bags" he laid things out nicely in terms of TOB vs elite teams, TOB vs cupcakes, and most importantly TOB vs peer institutions. At the time, it was fairly easy to figure out who was a peer program. It may be a bit harder now but I would find it interesting to see what the records were in similar fashion for coaches TOB to current.

ps - Daz sucks. Happy for the players but annoyed the players like him if that is true. Remember Spaz was also loved and look where that got us (thanks Herzylax).

Cupcakes: 12-1
Peers: 8-11
baby rapists: 3-15

if we assume the below (certainly open to changes)

Arizona Peer
Army Cupcake
Buffalo Cupcake
Clemson baby rapists
Colorado State Cupcake
Duke Peer
FSU baby rapists
Georgia Tech Peer
Howard Cupcake
Louisville baby rapists
Maine Cupcake
Maryland Peer
NC State Peer
New Mexico State Cupcake
Northern Illinois Cupcake
Notre Dame baby rapists
Penn State Peer
Pitt Peer
Syracuse Peer
UConn Cupcake
UMass Cupcake
UNC Peer
USC baby rapists
Villanova Cupcake
Virginia Tech baby rapists
Wagner Cupcake
Wake Forest Peer

last time bc hit >21 against a peer school: ped state pinstripe bowl

I'd argue CSU was a peer program that year, and frankly in most years. Their losses are Colorado, Minnesota, AFA, BSU and Wyoming this season, but that year they went 10-2 and lost to Utah in a bowl.

NIU is also debatable, but less so.

Re: Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 10:52 am
by claver2010
re lowery, of course there's a step up but I was hoping he'd be able to at least hold his own this year, instead he's been the worst of the bunch

csu as a peer is probably right, thought a little about ped state but given the scholarship restrictions thought peer was fair

Re: Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 11:15 am
by Bumpers
Ped State should be classified as a baby rapist, obviously.

Re: Can we all just agree that Addazio is a terrible head coach?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 11:34 am
by eepstein0
twballgame9 {l Wrote}:
eepstein0 {l Wrote}:
Brooklyneagle {l Wrote}:He's terrible. Bad oline after four years. Really bad. Still doesn't have anyone better than awful Towles to play QB. Our offense is bottom of the barrel in Div I again this year. NCState and Wake almost gave us those two games. He gave away the GTECH game. Syracuse passed us silly. Four of the worst blowouts in BC history. And, recruiting is dismal. What would we be saying if we were 0-8 again in the ACC this year -- which we easily could be?

We beat Wake but the offense looked retarded for most of the game.

USC, 2014: the Trojans didn't get off the plane; it was chilly and wet; they thought the game was over by the second quarter -- as it had been the year before; their coach didn't stop trying to run the ball until too late; and we had Murphy. Almost any team can be beaten if it does not take the opponent seriously from the get go.

Let's not go full retard here.

Too fucking late, holy shit

He sucks but he's not as bad as people are making him out to be.

He also took over a complete train wreck here from Spaz and now at least has the numbers and talent back up to an acceptable level.