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This makes me...

PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 5:47 pm
by ConcernedEagle
...want to put my hands on this "man."

"Once again, it’s a matter of execution," BC coach Frank Spaziani said. "It was a combination of them executing, us not executing when we had some time to execute, and then just not making enough plays. You still have to make some plays. We’re going to have to look ourselves in the mirror and figure out where to go. There’s no place to go but up. We need to work through it."

No shithead, it's on YOU. YOU need to look in the mirror. Poor Spaz, his boys never, ever execute. Time and time again. Where is the accountability? Where are the, "this one is firmly on my shoulders" comments. Isn't that what leadership is? Taking blame? Deflecting blame from 18-22 year old guys who are playing the game the way you taught them?

This just cannot be real. If he will not accept responsibility then someone above him needs to place it there.

**Forgot to link the article: